CS 491 - Virtual and Augmented Reality - Week 1

Advantages and disadvantages of different VR and AR platforms

Virtual reality is defined as an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment, that incorporates mainly auditory and visual, but also other types of sensory feedback like haptic [1]. Whereas, augmented reality is defined as the experience where real life objects are “augmented” by computer generated information across visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory senses [2]. The demos in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory consisted of HTC vive, Microsoft hololens, CAVE 2TM and augmented reality applications on android and apple phones. Following are their advantages and disadvantages based on my experience:

HTC vive
HTC vive is a virtual reality device and the demos included Google Earth and a virtual reality game. Both of the demos were highly intuitive and immersive. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of this platform

Holo lens

Holo lens is a mixed reality device, combining virtual reality and augmented reality in one device. The demo included an informative demo of the human anatomy. Following are its advantages and disadvantages:


Cave 2 is the large scale virtual reality system developed by UIC. It consists of large array of screens that are used to display 3d images and provide a 360 degree from a person's perspective.

Cell phone applications- virtual reality

Virtual reality applications required a card board lens to provide depth perception. The demos included the apps titled withinvr and Google cardboard. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of using these apps:

Cell phone applications- augmented reality

Augmented reality cell phone applications required a predefined artifact to be scanned. When device was successfully able to detect the artifact, the simulation started. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of the platform:


Overall, my experience was great with respect to use of different platforms. There are few drawbacks/ bottlenecks for each device but they are not deal breakers in terms of a marketability. With time and the continuous research these devices will become much better and cheaper and we will see a much better consumer acceptance of these products.